New cultivar names we are allocating or introducing 2015
Cardiandra formosana ‘Fenghuangshan’ BSWJ3615 Originating from a plant of this herbaceous perennial, we collected from the only known surviving population in Central Taiwan in 1996, which we have bulked-up over the years vegetatively. This cultivar was selected because its sterile pinkish florets that are larger than any other collection we have made at 7.5-9cm long, these subtend the corymbs of violet fertile flowers held on reddish stalks.
Cautleya spicata ‘Crûg Compact’ BSWJ2690 Is a cultivar name that we are applying to a mat-forming clone we collected in the Lachung Valley, northern Sikkim in 1994. Of an abnormally short nature with low dark red stems to around 30cm tall, bearing long terminal inflorescences of dark red overlapping bracts with sizeable protruding orange yellow-flushed flowers over a long period June to October.
 | Hedychium tengchongense ‘Trum Trom’ HWJ684A small distinct form of this species which we collected from The Trum Trom Pass the highest pass in Vietnam at just over 2000m. Where it grew on moist shaded vertical cliffs, with reddened upright stems to less than 1m tall in those conditions. Bearing broadly ovate dark green leaves on very short petioles, with a broad cylindrical inflorescence of white long-tubed slender distinctly scented flowers with long curved orange-red exserted stigmas mid-summer.
Hydrangea serrata 'Crûg Caerulean' BSWJ6241d One of four selected seedlings originating from one of our seed collections gathered from the Mt. Unzen area of Kyushu, Japan in 1998. Of a very floriferous small form of this amenable deciduous lacecap species hydrangea, bearing corymbs of strong blue lace-cap (pink in alkaline soil) flowers May-October. The sterile florets deepening in colour with age, availing us with a cool blue effect. While the foliage ages to a purple cast if exposed to sun, as in the field where we grow the mother plants, which are still only 1.3m (just over 1.3m) tall without pruning at around 12 years old.
Rodgersia nepalensis 'High Flier' HWJK2121 Originating from a piece of rootstock I collected in a deep moist shaded gully at 3,200m, in north-eastern Nepal bordering with Tibet, just west of where the mighty Arun River crosses the border. Where the plants were prominent due to their stature of 2m tall in leaf with large glossy bright green pinnate foliage. Unfortunately without seed, hence the single plant collected. This has been built up slowly since that time vegetatively.
Rodgersia pinnata 'Shangri-La' BWJ7741a A selected form that I collected seed of in the high mountainous area around Zhongdian (Shangri-La), China at 3650m altitude. This strong growing perennial was growing, where there was plenty of moisture during the growing period. From a stout rhizome fat buds stretch out in spring and unfurl to wonderfully textured pinnately arranged bronzy leaflets far larger than any other clone we grow of this species. Followed June-July, by huge branched panicles of white ageing to pink flowers on stems to 1.5m tall on this form.
Sorbus 'Showa' KR5585 Originally distributed as Sorbus discolores sect. KR5585, but now named as suggested by Hugh McAllister. A rare medium sized white fruiting attractively weeping tree with blue-green foliage of a similar habit and stature to our native mountain ash. Originating from seed collected by Keith Rushforth in the Showa Valley, Tibet at 2850m. Given to us as seed from Ness Gardens as only belonging to the discolores section,