New 2012 Introductions
New introductions primarily from our own wild seed collections that will become available during the course of the new season. Here divided into 3 sections:
Hydrangea serrata 'Crûg Bicolor' BSWJ6241c
One of four selected seedlings originating from one of our seed collections gathered from the Mt. Unzen area of Kyushu, Japan in 1998. Of a very floriferous small form of this amenable deciduous lacecap species hydrangea, bearing corymbs of strong blue lace-cap (pink in acid soil) flowers May-October the sterile florets ageing pink eventually flipping over once the fertile flowers are pollinated, giving a bicoloured effect. While the foliage ages to a purple cast if exposed to sun, as in the field where we grow the mother plants, which are still only 1.3m (just over 4ft) tall without pruning at around 12 years old.
Polygonatum falcatum 'Shikoku Silver' BSWJ5101
A variable yet beautiful thoroughly confused (in horticulture) species, which typically has long slender arching stems to 85cm long. Bearing long crescent shaped alternate leaves, but in this selection they are smaller on shorter stems, while being attractively silver striped down the centre for some time after emerging gradually fading to dark green. Bearing white bell-like flowers with green tips, in pendant axillary clusters during May and June. Our collection from forest edges on the island of Shikoku Japan. Also known as ''silver-striped''.
Schisandra rubriflora 'Bodnant Redberry'
A woody climber of medium size, forming tangles in small trees and shrubs with vigorously twinning stems of small ovate-acute deciduous leaves on red petioles. Bearing scented cup-shaped scarlet axillary flowers June-July, soon followed by pendant spikes to 20cm long, of bright red fruit on this female clone, if pollinated. A clone originating from Bodnant Gardens much admired in our walled garden for the past 25 years, both for its fruit and flower. Easily grown in humus-enriched soil in part shade-full sun. (Note) Male and female flowers are normally born on separate unisexual plants (dioecious) in this group (Pleiostema) of Schisandra.
*** This plant is scheduled to be added to our list in 2013.
Tricyrtis formosana v. grandiflora 'Long-Jen Violet' RWJ10095
A large flowered variety, which we collected a seedling of from constantly dripping cliffs in the restricted area of the Long-Jen Valley near Hualien Eastern Taiwan in 2003. Distinct as the flowers stand out for months by their sheer size, much larger flowers than the normal T. formosana. Forming a lax much branched plant with many upwardly inclined widely opening broadly funnel-shaped spidery violet to white bicoloured flowers to 6cm across spotted purple-red, with faintly yellow-tinged throats, on leafy stems to 75cm long from late July to November. Named for the valley it originates from and flower colour.