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Lindera sericea  BSWJ11417


From one of our collections gathered from the mountains of Shikoku Japan in 2006, of an elegant shrub with dark sometimes ageing black stems bearing broadly elliptic softly-pubescent leaves longer hairier below. Bearing a mass of small yellow flowers close to the ends of the branches before the new foliage emerges in spring. The flowering stalks (pedicells) elongating over the summer and bearing small round glossy black fruit on female plants. Which contrast with the bright yellows of the foliage in autumn. For full sun to part shade in any type of fertile moisture retentive soil.

Copyright 2008
Crûg Farm Plants, Griffith's Crossing, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1TU.
Tel (+44) 01248 670232 mailorder@crug-farm.co.uk
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